It is advisable to seek out a social security lawyer when facing any difficulties or doubts regarding your social security rights, from requesting benefits to reviewing values.
To retire by age, you must be at least 65 years old (men) or 62 years old (women), in addition to a minimum of 180 contributions to the INSS.
Yes, it is possible to request retirement based on contribution time before reaching the minimum age, as long as you have completed the required minimum contribution time, which is currently 35 years (men) and 30 years (women).
Social security benefit review is a process in which a review of the benefit value can be requested when it is believed that there was an error in calculating the value or that there have been legal updates that benefit the insured person.
Costs may vary depending on the complexity of the case and the type of benefit being requested. However, in general, the value of the fees is defined based on a percentage of the value of the benefit to be received.